Lumber UP! 11/3

I really liked doing this one last time. Check out the first post of this workout for some"how-to" on the moves. Then get your 2x4 and have some fun! 


30 sec. The 2x4 Twist

30 sec. The 2x4 Lunge

30 sec. ea. side The 2x4 over the mountain

10 "at the ready" 20m sprints


45 - 40 - 30 reps NO REST!

2x4 Squat to Press

Wide grip push-ups

2x4 Dead lift

2x4 Military Press

2x4 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull

2x4 Front lock-out 1 min after each set


1 min. 2x4 Twist

1 min. 2x4 Lunges (go deep, feel the stretch)

1 min. ea. side 2x4 Over the Mountain