Run Some more! 12/1

Morning: Run 6 Miles in 50 Min.

Evening: Run 20 20 yard Sprints

Fill out this form 11/30

Running form. Lets not watch the clock so much today, and concentrate on breathing. The ideal breath ratio is said to be 3:2. That is breath in for three steps, breath out for two. Play with it. find what's right for you. If I don't pay attention I end up doing 2:2 and running slowly and out of breath. I have to tell myself "breath in left, right, left, breath out right left. In, 2,3, out, 2, in 2,3, out,2 . . . etc. While your at it make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are loose, and your face and hands are relaxed. the idea is to send all energy to the legs. Tensing your face, shoulders, hands etc is a waste of energy. Once you've got all this down try picking your knees up and lengthening your stride. Also look at your toes, try running with them pointing straight forward maybe a touch inward. Do these things and the clock will take care of itself.
Run Six miles under 50 min

Make-up day 11/27

Giving thanks for the rest day yesterday . . . were gonna take it up a notch.


Run 6 miles in 50 min. or less

100 push-ups
100 sit-ups


Bum-buster part tres

Phase one:
 4 Reps

40 Hip Raises

20 Clamshells

20 Bird Dog Kicks

Phase two:
Do one set, time it, rest for double that, then repeat . . . twice!

40 Air Squats
20 each side Lunges
20 each side Lunge Jumps
40 Jump Squats

Singletrackin' 11/25

Okay, it's called Mountain Biking.
Lets shoot for 8 miles off road.
Should be pretty quick.

If you wanna be a roadie (ride on the road) double the milage.

Remember to stretch afterward. And keep the INTENSITY UP!

Down to one 11/24

Lets work on those wimpy arms some more.

Warm up:
50 Push-ups


Do once in the morning and once again later in the day.
10 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

9 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

8 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

7 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

6 Pull-ups
45 sec. rest

5 Pull-ups
45 sec. rest

45 sec. rest

3 Pull-ups
30 sec. rest

2 Pull-ups
15 sec. rest

1 Pull-up
Streeetch those arms out for 5 min.

Bum Buster Pt. Dos 11/23

More work on the Gluteus to make it Maximus.

Phase one:
3 Reps

20 Hip Raises

20 Clamshells

20 Bird Dog Kicks

Phase two:
Do one set, time it, rest for double that, then repeat . . . twice!

40 Air Squats
20 each side Lunges
20 each side Lunge Jumps
40 Jump Squats

Phase three:
Run Four Miles, in under 30 minutes.

Be sure you streeeetch.

Rest Day 11/22

Every day is a rest day for Conan

Trunk Work 11/20

2 min. Sit-ups (break a sweat)


Repeat 7 times:

1min. Bird Dog

1min. Left Side Plank

1min. Right Side Plank

1min. Empty Rock

1min. Crunches

Cool Down:

Streeeetch 5-10 Min.

Bum Buster Pt. UNO 11/19

The booty is made up of some powerful muscles that are, in a large part, responsible for the propulsion of your body through space. That is . . . they help you walk, run, jump, climb, all while keeping your pants up. . . So I wanna make mine big.  Here's how I'm gonna do it.

Phase one:
3 Reps

15 Hip Raises

15 Clamshells

15 Bird Dog Kicks

Phase two:
Do one set, time it, rest for double that, then repeat . . . twice!

36 Air Squats
18 each side Lunges
18 each side Lunge Jumps
36 Jump Squats

How To:

Hip raises: Lie on your back with your knees bent and and your feet flat. Lift your hips until they're straight. Hold for 5 seconds before returning to the starting position.

Clamshell: Lie on your side with your knees bent 90 degrees, with heels together and in line with your butt. Open your knees as wide as you can without rotating your hips or back. Pause, and return to starting position.

Bird dog kick: Get down on your hands and knees with your back straight, fully extend one leg behind you until you feel your bum tighten up. Avoid any lower-back movement. Hold the position for a 5 count and return to start position and switch.

Air Squats: Just squat . . . and get those thighs parallel with the ground stand back up and repeat.

Lunges: step forward and squat til your front thigh is parallel with the ground then step back, switch, repeat.

Lunge Jumps: Step forward as in a lunge then explode upward with a jump, switch legs mid-air, and land in the lunge position . . . repeat.

Jump squats: Squat with thighs parallel with the ground then jump as high as you can . . . and repeat.

The GUNS!!! 11/17

Gonna work on my wimpy arms today.

20 Diamond Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
20  Wide Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
20 Regular ol' Push-ups
5 Pull-ups

Repeat with the following rep ratios. (the above ratio being 20:5)


Might wanna stretch after.

Getting back to it. 11/16

Today's my first time back from some fairly intense days in the field. I'm gonna take this time to get a good stretch in and some calisthenics.

Streeeetch for a good 30 min. don't forget a muscle and do the big ones twice.

Do 5 rotations of the following Try not to rest in between.

Jump rope for 1 Min.
Side straddle hop for 1Min.
Push-ups for 1 Min.
Air Squats for 1 Min.
Crunches for 1 Min.

Be back soon 10/7 - 10/15

Hey guys. I'll be away from the blog this week. While I'm away . . . do some push-ups, or do some of the workouts in the log. Have a good week.

Hey Gang! 11/5

Okay this is a good stretch I like to do. It's on the cheesy side, but I think it's a good stretch.

Get Dirty 11/4

It's called Trail Running. Find an unpaved path and run on it. It's pretty simple. There's a lot of advantages. Your muscles and bones aren't repeating the same exact motions over and over, your mind doesn't get bored, and the terrain usually requires you to pick your knees up a little higher.

After a quick stretch . . .

Let's shoot for a 6 mile run in under 54 Min.

Don't forget to streetch after.

Runner's World's Trail Running section

Lumber UP! 11/3

I really liked doing this one last time. Check out the first post of this workout for some"how-to" on the moves. Then get your 2x4 and have some fun! 


30 sec. The 2x4 Twist

30 sec. The 2x4 Lunge

30 sec. ea. side The 2x4 over the mountain

10 "at the ready" 20m sprints


45 - 40 - 30 reps NO REST!

2x4 Squat to Press

Wide grip push-ups

2x4 Dead lift

2x4 Military Press

2x4 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull

2x4 Front lock-out 1 min after each set


1 min. 2x4 Twist

1 min. 2x4 Lunges (go deep, feel the stretch)

1 min. ea. side 2x4 Over the Mountain

Short Track 11/02

Okay, 4 mile run. keep it fast it's not a long run.

Don't forget to streetch after.