Take it easy 10/30

Let's take a break today so we can have some fun tomorrow. Stretch when you get 10 min. to do so.

Hard Core! 10/29

2 min. Sit-ups (break a sweat)


Repeat 7 times:

1min. Bird Dog

1min. Left Side Plank

1min. Right Side Plank

1min. Empty Rock

1min. Crunches

Run 5 Miles Road or 3 Miles Off Road

Cool Down:

Streeeetch 5-10 Min.

Pushit! 10/27

Okay, a quicky

Do this twice:

Push-ups for 2 Minutes
Rest 30 sec.
Push-ups for 1:30
Rest 30 sec.
Push-ups for 1 min.
rest 20 sec.
Push-ups for 30 sec.
rest 10 sec
Push-ups for 15 sec.

Speed Work 10/27

These things have helped numerous people get faster times on there runs. They're called "intervals". There are eleventy-billion ways to do these . . . here's how I'm gonna do them today.

Repeat 3 times.
Sprint 30 sec. Jog 30 sec.
Sprint 40 sec. Jog 40 sec.
Sprint 50 sec. Jog 50 sec.
Sprint 60 sec. Jog 60 sec.
Walk 60 sec.

Have fun with this. Play with your breathing rhythm, your stride, your "RPM" and see how fast you can get.
Tomorrow will be a strength day.

APFT!!!! 10/26

Okay this is a check-up. Let's see how we're doin'.

Max Push-ups 2 min.
Max Sit-ups 2 min.
2 Mile Run for time.

Good Luck

Imput your results and get your score.

Rest is imortant! 10/25

Rest today!

Let that body heal.

Reading is good, I try and avoid TV because it makes me crave BigMacs and Endless Pasta Bowls at Olive Garden.

If you're sore, today's a good day to spend an hour STREEEEETCHING!

The Day the World Runs! 10/24

Nike in it's endless marketing efforts has designated today as The Human Race Day. If you own an ipod and some of those snazzy Nike shoes with the computer chip in them you can sync your run with the Nike web site:

The jist I got from it is "today everyone will run 10K".

10 kilometers = 6.21371192 miles

That's not really very much for a Saturday, so lets make it a 10 miler.

Warm Up:

Stretch those legs out good.
Take 5 Min. Make sure to hit those Calves and Hamys.

Run 10 Miles

Cool Down:

Walk a li'l bit at least 1/4 Mile. and Streeeeetch every muscle in your lower half for at least 2x30 sec.

2x4 Studdly 10/23

Okay, so an M16a2 weighs about 8.9 lbs. (with a loaded 30 round magazine) which is about the same as your run of the mill 2x4x8 pine stud. They say you train with what you fight with but they won't let me bring my weapon home so we'll use a 2x4. Here's the work-out I came up with. If your not sure how to do do it check the "How To" Section at the bottom of the post.


30 sec. The 2x4 Twist

30 sec. The 2x4 Lunge

30 sec. ea. side The 2x4 over the mountain

10 "at the ready" 20m sprints


40 - 35 - 30 reps NO REST!

2x4 Squat to Press

2x4 Bench Press

2x4 Dead lift

2x4 Military Press

2x4 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull

2x4 Front lock-out 1 min after each set


1 min. 2x4 Twist

1 min. 2x4 Lunges (go deep feel the stretch)

1 min. ea. side 2x4 Over the Mountain

Rest up for tomorrow. It's "The Day the World Runs" so make sure your hydrated.

How To:

At the Ready Sprints: Hold the 2x4 in both hands across the body and RUN FAST!

The 2x4 Twist: Put the board over your shoulders behind your head with your arms over it to stabilize and twist left then right

The 2x4 Lunge: Put the board over your shoulders behind your head with your arms over it to stabilize and do lunges

The 2x4 Over the Mountain: Press the board overhead and lock out your elbows and bend your torso to the side until the board is perpendicular to the ground. Hold for 30 sec. each side.

Squat to Press:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAYc4pZLgoc

Bench Press:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlDWdfTAx8o

2x4 Front Lockouts: Stand feet shoulder width apart back straight and hold the 2x4 in front of you, eye level, with your elbows "locked out"

Pull-up Pyramid 10/22

Pull-ups are a weak point for me. I've seen lots of ways to increase your pull-up power and they all include DOING PULL-UPS. If you can't do any, check for a link at the bottom for a way to work on that.

Warm up:
50 Push-ups


Do once in the morning and once again later in the day.
10 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

9 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

8 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

7 Pull-ups
1 min. rest

6 Pull-ups
45 sec. rest

5 Pull-ups
45 sec. rest

45 sec. rest

3 Pull-ups
30 sec. rest

2 Pull-ups
15 sec. rest

1 Pull-up
Streeetch those arms out for 5 min.

Oh! Tomorrow's workout will include a 2x4 peice of lumber.

Check out this link for a way to start doing more pull-ups:

Ruck Out! 10/21

Okay, this is one of my favorite workouts so far. It's a smoker, and you don't need much. You'll need a 45 lb. ruck sack or a backpack. One with a frame will help with the thrusters.


2min. Side-Straddle-Hops

2min. Jump Rope

2min. Run-in-Place

Morning Work Out:

Repeat 6 times:

1 min. Sit-ups (use your pack to hold your feet down)

20 Ruck-Squats (wear your ruck and do air squats)

20 Ruck-Lunges (lunge with your ruck on)

20 Ruck-Thrusters (see below for description)

20 Ruck-Push-Ups (do push-ups with your ruck on)

10 ea. side Ruck-Curls (grab your ruck by a strap and lift 10-12 inches)


Stretch Upper and Lower body 5-10 min. each

Afternoon Work Out:

Ruck-March 6 miles in 90 min. or less.


Stretch those legs out. Should take 10-15 min.

Ruck-Thrusters how-to: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart holding your ruck by the frame at about waist hight and your arms fully extended. Next, curl the ruck about head high and press up above your head. Your arms should be fully extended over your head holding your ruck. Reverse to starting position and repeat.

Sprint-ups! 10/20

Warm up:

Jog 5-10 min.



Repeat 10 times:

Do 10 Push-ups and immediately get up and sprint 50m.

Cool down: Stretch 5-10 min.


Repeat 5 times:
1min. Bird Dog
1min. Left Side Plank
1min. Right Side Plank
1min. Empty Rock
1min. Crunches

Cool down: Walk a mile

Runnin' runnin' 10/19

Run 6 miles today.

500 Push-ups and 100 pull-ups before bedtime.

Check your technique.

Sunday 10/18

Rest. . . rest is very important.

FUN DAY! 10/17

Today, have some fun.

For instance . . . go mountainbiking for a few hours.

Dumbells! 10/16

Warm Up:

5 min. Side Straddle Hops (Jumpin' Jax)

Work Out:

Get some dumbbells that you like (10-50 lbs.) and use them for all but the Push-ups and Pull-ups. If you can't do pull-ups . . . do more push-ups.

repeat 5 times

1 min. Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
20 Dumbbell Squats
20 Military Press
20 Bicep Curls
1 min. Front lockout
1 min. Side lockout

Cool Down:

Jump Rope 5 min.
Streeetch 5-10 min.

Push-ups how-to

Pull-ups how-to

Dumbbell Squats how-to

Military Press how-to

Bicep Curls how-to

Front Lockout how-to
Stand feet shoulder width apart back straight and hold the dumbbells in front of you, eye level, with your elbows "locked out"

Side Lockout how-to
Stand feet shoulder width apart back straight and hold the dumbbells out to each side, eye level, with your elbows "locked out"

Slightly Psycho's first post "Core Strength" 10/15

Let's get right to it.

2 min. Sit-ups (break a sweat)


Repeat 5 times:

1min. Bird Dog

1min. Left Side Plank

1min. Right Side Plank

1min. Empty Rock

1min. Crunches

Run 5 Miles Road or 3 Miles Off Road

Cool Down:

Streeeetch 5-10 Min.

Bird-Dog how-to

Side Plank how-to

Empty Rock how-to

Crunches how-to